National Museum of Serbia

National Museum of Serbia
Established May 10, 1844
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Director Tatjana Cvjetićanin

The National Museum (Serbian: Народни музеј, Narodni Muzej) is the largest and oldest museum in Serbia. It is located in Republic Square, Belgrade, Serbia. The museum was established on May 10, 1844. Since it was founded, its collections have to over 400,000 objects including many foreign masterpieces. Currently, the museum is closed for renovation.[1]

The National Museum building was declared a Monument of Culture of Great Importance in 1979.[2]



The Museum has 34 archeological, numismatic, artistic and historical collections today.

Archeological collections

The main collection consists of sculptures from Vinca (6-5th millennium B.C.) such as Lady of Vinča and Lepenski Vir (7th millennium B.C.). There are also numerous sculptures, weapons, helmets and other items from ancient Rome and 1005 items from ancient Greece and items from Ancient Celtic people. The most valuable pieces from that period are Dupljaja Chariot (16-13th century B.C), golden masks from Trebenište (6th century B.C.), household sets from Jabučje (1st century A.D.), the Belgrade Cameo (4th century).Silver belt with swastika, 5th century BC. There is also a collection from ancient Egypt. The most famous piece is a rare gold sarcophagus and mummy of the Egyptian priest Nesmin.


The Numismatic Collection has more than 300,000 items (coins, medals, rings, seals). The collection is divided into ten smaller assemblies from 5-6th century B.C., and includes a collection of coins issued by Philip II of Macedonian (359 – 336 B.C.) and Alexander the Great (336 – 323 B.C.). Also there are couple unique examples: Golden Medallion of Emperor Valentinian I ,minted 364 A.D. ,silver Dinars from reighn of King Stefan Radoslav of Serbia.etc...

Medieval collection

There is also large medieval collections in museum, mostly from Europe and Asia. The most important is an illustrated 362 page Miroslav Gospels manuscript written in 1186 in Medieval Serbia. The Miroslav Gospels was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in recognition of its historical value.[3] Among collection object are also the sarcophagus of Saint King Stefan Decanski from the 14th century, the ring of the Serbian Queen Theodora (before 1322), King Stephen Radoslav of Serbia's ring (1219–20), King Milutin's mantle from 1300s, Eulogy to Prince Lazar - Euphemia's famous embroidery from 1402, about 120 icons from 1200 to 1500, including also Ohrid collection of icons.[4]

Art collection

The Collection of Drawings and Prints of International Artists has 2,446 items and the Yugoslav Art Collection has more than 6,000 items, including 1,700 paintings of Serbian authors from 18th to 19th century and 3,000 paintings from 20th century. This does not include the Serbian Medieval Art Collection.[5] Museum has Serbian medieval,French,Dutch,Flemish,Italian,Russian,German,Japanese,Chinese Art Collection from 1644-1978,English,Spanish,Hungarian,Romanian,Bulgarian,Yugoslav and others Art Collectios.All together has over 16.000 paintings,graphics,drawings,icons,prints and over 900 sculptures.

The French masters collections are the National Museum's biggest pride. Comprising extremely rare pieces from Matisse, Picasso, Renoir, Rouault, Degas, Cézanne and others. Most paintings were collected and donated by Prince Paul of Yugoslavia. Erih Slomovic was a young Belgrader, born at the turn of the 20th century. Slomovic, even though very young, has been the protégé of the world's biggest art merchant, Ambroise Vollard. Thanks to this relation, he developed his own collection, comprising a total of 600 pieces around 1941. The Slomovic Collection is the largest and richest collection of French art in the Balkans, as well as one of the most beautiful in the world.

French art collection

The French Art Collection consists of more than 250 paintings and more than 400 graphics and drawings, from the 16th to early 20th century.This list include Slomovic Collection (58 paintings and over 200 graphics). Among French painters are Robert Tournières, Hubert Robert, Sébastien Bourdon, Eugène Delacroix, Gauguin , Renoir , Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Matisse , Monet , Cezanne, Degas , Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot , Mary Cassatt , Paul Signac, Maurice Utrillo, Vollard, Auguste Rodin, Eugène Boudin, Georges Rouault, Pierre Bonnard, Pissarro, Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau, Honoré Daumier, Eugène Carrière, Maurice de Vlaminck, Édouard Vuillard, André Derain, Raoul Dufy, Suzanne Valadon, Eugène Fromentin, Émile Bernard, Forain, Jean Cocteau, André Dunoyer de Segonzac, Georges Braque, Robert Delaunay , Pascin, Le Corbusier, Rosa Bonheur, Marie Laurencin, Eugène Carrière, Georges Dufrénoy, etc...Graphic works include Jacques Callot, Charles-François Daubigny, Degas, Gauguin, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Renoir , and others..

Italian art collection

The Italian Art Collection, consisting of more than 230 works of art, is famous for the creative production of individual masters and artistic workshops starting from the 14th to the 20th century.They include works by Domenico Veneziano, Giovanni di Paolo, Titian, Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese, Vittore Carpaccio, Caravaggio, Annibale Carracci, Lorenzo di Credi, Guido Reni, Spinello Aretino, Francesco Bassano the Younger, Jacopo Bassano , Leandro Bassano -(Bassanos's 8 paintings), Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Canaletto, Francesco Guardi, Giulio Carpioni, Andrea Celesti , Girolamo Muziano, Amedeo Modigliani, Luigi Ontani , Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio etc. Graphic works include Giovanni Battista Piranesi ,...

Dutch and Flemish collection

The Dutch and Flemish collection consisting of more than 500 works (210 paintings of art and 220 graphics and engravings, and over 80 drawings).The National Museum of Serbia was the first museum in the world to include, a Piet Mondrian painting in its permanent exposition.[11] Paintings includes Juan de Flandes, Hieronymus Bosch, Cornelis de Vos, Anthony van Dyck, Antonis Mor , Jan Brueghel the Elder, Marten de Vos, Joos van Cleve, Jan Antonisz. van Ravesteyn , Rubens, Jan van Goyen, Justus Sustermans, Cornelis de Vos , Willem van Aelst, Frans van Mieris, Sr., Paulus Potter, Caspar Netscher, Jan Frans van Bloemen, Adam Frans van der Meulen, Godfried Schalcken, Aelbert Cuyp, Adriaen van Utrecht, Johan Jongkind, Jan Victors, Kees van Dongen, Anton Mauve , Allart van Everdingen, Vincent van Gogh , Piet Mondrian etc....

British art collections

Include painters usually from late 19th century,mostly impressionist and post-impressionist.Wast majority of collection is donated by Prince Paul of Yugoslavia before the World War II. They include painters such as Alfred Sisley, Charles Conder, Philip Wilson Steer, Walter Sickert, Hermione Hammond, James Bolivar Manson, Wyndham Lewis, Roger Fry, Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell and Rowland Fisher,[20] and graphic works from William Hogarth.

Russian art collection

Russian art collection is one the most numerous collections in the museum.Mostly donated by Prince Paul of Yugoslavia.Collection include painters and sculptors such as Marc Chagall, Wassily Kandinsky, Nicholas Roerich, Vladimir Borovikovsky, Ilya Repin, Alexei Harlamov, Mikhail Larionov , Boris Grigoriev, Pavel Kuznetsov, Kazimir Malevich, El Lissitzky,etc.

Japanese art collection

Japanese Art Collection has 82 works including 36 graphics and paintings (All the graphics belong to the Ukiyo-e genre, which developed in Japan from the 17th to 19th century. One of the most frequent motives was the city of Edo itself). In collection are also Kunisada, Toyokuni, Keisai Eisen, Hiroshige, Utamaro, Tsuguharu Foujita,...

Spanish, German, Romanian, Hungarian and others art collections

Other art collections include paintings from Diego Velázquez, El Greco, Picasso, Wifredo Lam, Aristide Maillol, Gustav Klimt, Burne Hogarth, Lovis Corinth , Karl Hofer, Fritz von Uhde, Felix Philipp Kanitz, László Moholy-Nagy, etc,..Print works from Albrecht Dürer, Eduardo Arroyo, Erró, Sol LeWitt ,114 print works from Max Liebermann, Lovis Corinth and Max Slevogt

Serbian and Yugoslav art collection

The Yugoslav Art Collection consisting of more 6000 pieces created between 17th and 20th century. Some of them are: Paja Jovanović, Stojan Aralica, Petar Lubarda, Milan Konjović, Uroš Predić, Đura Jakšić , Marko Murat , Đorđe Andrejević Kun, Nadežda Petrović, Petar Dobrović, Mića Popović, Sava Šumanović, etc. There are also Slovenian Art works with Avgust Černigoj Sketch for theater, Rihard Jakopič Berch Trees, Ivan Grohar Na Pasi , Matej Sternen Female Reader , etc..

Croatian art collection

Croatia art collection has 156 works dated from 1850 to 1969 including Vjekoslav Karas, Vlaho Bukovac-(4 paintings) ,Father's Portrait, Baroness Rukavina, Ignjat Job-(22 paintings), Mato Celestin Medović ,Girl with a ring[43], Marino Tartaglia Interior , Josip Seissel Zenit,Zenitism , People are killers , Pafama , Vladimir Filakovac ,etc...[44]


The Museum houses sculptures from early Roman period to 20th century.Yugoslav Collection consists of 850 works and foreign has over 50.The most significant collections coming from sculptors like Ivan Mestrovic - (45 works) , Toma Rosandic, Antun Augustinčić , Frano Kršinić , César Baldaccini , Aristide Maillol , George Minne , Kai Nielsen (sculptor) , Risto Stijović, Matija Vuković , Julije Knifer ,etc..


See also


  1. ^ National Museum - Reconstruction
  2. ^ Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Зграда управе фондова / Building of Fund Administration (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  3. ^ Miroslav Gospel – Manuscript from 1180
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ The collections
  6. ^ Zbornik Matice srpske za likovne umetnosti, Park na jezeru Ibera Robera u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu
  7. ^ Renoir : Works from the National Museum in Belgrade, Authoresses of the Catalog and the Exhibition, Tatjana Bošnjak and Dragana Kovačić, 1997
  8. ^, Degas, Edgar (1834-1917) Title: Three Dancers
  9. ^, Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (1796-1875), In a Park
  10. ^ [2], Valadon, Susanne (1865-1938), Still Life with Flowers
  11. ^ [3]
  12. ^ []
  13. ^ [4]
  14. ^ [5]
  15. ^ [6]
  16. ^ [7]
  17. ^ [8]
  18. ^ [9]
  19. ^ [10]
  20. ^ [11]
  21. ^ [12]
  22. ^ [13]
  23. ^ [14]
  24. ^ [15]
  25. ^ [16]
  26. ^ [17]
  27. ^ [18]
  28. ^ [19]
  29. ^ [20]
  30. ^ [21]
  31. ^ [22]
  32. ^ [23]
  33. ^ [24]
  34. ^ [25]
  35. ^ [26]
  36. ^ [27]
  37. ^ [28]
  38. ^ [29]
  39. ^ [30]
  40. ^ [31]
  41. ^ [32]
  42. ^ [33]
  43. ^ [34]
  44. ^ Планирана и утрошена средства Народног музеја (Serbian)
  45. ^ [35]
  46. ^ [36]
  47. ^ [37]
  48. ^ [38]
  49. ^ [39]

External links